
How to Spot Early Signs of Dementia

Getting older can be hard sometimes. Life can feel as though it is flying by, and you wonder where all of those years went. You’ll have experienced good times and bad, which can test you, but as your body ages, you might find yourself facing new challenges when it comes to your health, and a decline in your cognitive functions might be one of them. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia aren’t uncommon conditions that a senior citizen might develop but they can be incredibly distressing for both that individual and their loved ones. Special care will be required for these conditions, and if you are worried that your senior parent or relative might be developing dementia, here are some early signs to look out for. 

Lack of Concentration

Everyone can lose their concentration sometimes, particularly if they are tired or are distracted by something else that is on their mind. While this might be a reason for why your senior relative is losing their concentration, if this is happening regularly with no other explanation, it could be an early sign of dementia. If you have noticed that they can’t stay focused on a conversation or seem to forget what they are doing in the middle of a task, this might be cause for concern. You can take a dementia test to see if they are showing other symptoms listed here for a more thorough assessment. 

Mood Swings

Another tell-tale sign that your elderly relative might have dementia is mood swings. Again, this could be a sign of numerous other issues, but it isn’t uncommon for those with this condition to go through this, too. It can be due to them feeling confused, scared, and frustrated over the loss of their abilities or not fully understanding what is happening to them. They might also be tired if the condition is interrupting their sleep cycle, or they are in pain and are unable to communicate this properly. 

Forgetting People and Places

You might find that your senior relative is also becoming more forgetful. Not just about what they wanted to buy at the grocery store, but more significant things like their friends, relatives, or even struggling to recognize their home or other places they are very familiar with. This can be very distressing for them as well as their relatives. If this is happening you should take your senior relative to see a doctor as soon as possible to determine whether this forgetfulness is due to dementia or something else.

Getting Confused

Forgetfulness will lead to confusion, but you might notice that they are confusing the time during the day or places that they need to be. Again, this can happen when people have other things on their minds or are overly tired. Still, if it is happening regularly, it should be taken as an early sign of dementia, especially if they are showing other symptoms. They might get confused over mealtimes, keeping appointments, or other simple tasks throughout the day. 

If you have noticed any of these symptoms in your elderly relatives, it could be time to investigate further to see if they have developed dementia. If they have, you can start to plan for their care to make sure that they are safe and comfortable as their condition progresses.

Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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