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blog Education

What is the best summary of the first paragraph of “how we entered world war 1”

The best summary of the first paragraph of “how we entered world war 1” is that in 1914, Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalists.  This event caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia and subsequently trigger what would be the beginning of World War One.  The First World War lasted for four years before […]

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blog Technology

What is a challenge for cloud computing that could cause employee performance to decrease

A “challenge for cloud computing” is a term used to describe a type of problem that can arise in cloud computing. In particular, the goal of this challenge is to provide feedback about how bots present challenges for cloud computing. One possible challenge for cloud computing is that the business will have varying needs and […]


How to Get Approved For an Asylum

In a situation where you want to move to the UK for safety reasons away from your country of origin, there’s a need to seek asylum. Whatever the legal reasons that make you a refugee, having an approved asylum status gives you international protection within the borders of the UK. What makes you Eligible for […]